About Esam Eisa

Esam is a Backend Developer. With over +8 years of experience in web development and building tools to help businesses grow. In his previous role, he was a frontend developer. he is now working as a backend developer with frontend development skills.

He is interest in web development started back in 2007 when I decided to try creating website on frontpage and then start learning HTML, CSS and PHP to create simple website.

Esam shares his experience in web development, career-related topics, and developer lifestyle videos with people seeking guidance in the tech industry.

He spends his free time reading, playing chess, and going on travel adventures whenever he is not making content or writing code.

He shares a lot of helpful resources for developers and also curate some resources myself.

Here are a few technologies I’ve been working with recently:
  • php
  • laravel
  • filamentphp
  • nova
  • yii
  • mysql
  • postgres
  • vuejs
  • bootstrap
  • livewire
  • inertia
  • sass
  • digitalocean
  • aws
  • CPanel
  • sketch
  • figma
  • xd
  • photoshop
  • jira
  • notion
  • vscode
  • git

Say hi to his on LinkedIn @esameisa, If you want to download his CV download CV.